We are continuously developing and making Hogan products available in local languages in Scandinavia and Benelux where we offer our services. The latest is the Hogan Team Reports in Norwegian and Swedish.

The Hogan Team Report is designed to help team members gain a holistic, personality-based understanding of team strengths, weaknesses, and culture, and to understand how members’ personalities and motivators may support or hinder team effectiveness in light of the team’s character, business, context, and goals.

The Hogan Team Report draws on personality assessment to help teams identify and understand three internal dynamics:

  • Team strengths and weaknesses- In order to maximize strengths, high performing teams should have a balance of people across five key psychological roles.
  • Potential Team Fracture Lines- In order to maintain harmony, teams have to recognise and mitigate the personality characteristics that can derail success.
  • Team Culture and Shared Values- Shared values and drivers are key in working toward a common goal and are critical to the ongoing success of any team.


The Norwegian and Swedish Team Reports are available to all our clients. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at or call +45 45851515.

Click here for more information about Hogan reporting options.

A&D Resources Is Now Summit

A&D Resources has changed its name to Summit - same company (plus more) but under a new name and brand.

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