We all have a dark side
The dark side can derail careers and companies... but it doesn’t have to
We all have a dark side. What's yours?

Even the strongest leaders can sway under intense pressure. What’s usually considered a strength can suddenly become a flaw. Remember that time when a member of your management team thought you seemed ruthless, but you were just very stressed and trying to stay driven? When we’re under extreme pressure, our self-control weakens and our dark sides emerge.

Understanding your dark side and improving your interpersonal effectiveness can boost your reputation and improve the moral of your team. The Hogan Development Survey is the only validated personality assessment that identifies the dark side of personality.

Reflections on the dark side

The concept of the dark side seems to have acquired a life of its own, but its real importance concerns the fact that it provides a vital link between personality, leadership, and team performance.

Dr Jekyll + Mr. Jobs

One of the Hogan Coaching Network’s consultants takes a fascinating look at Apple founder, Steve Jobs, using the Hogan Development Survey (HDS).

Discover more about the dark side of Steve Jobs.

“The Dark Side of Personality”

Dark side characteristics can potentially erode trust, loyalty, and enthusiasm, and are of particular concern when it comes to leaders and their teams.

Discover how the dark side emerges during times of increased pressure in this video.

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Unlock the full potential of individuals, teams and organisations

At A&D Resources, we specialise in developing people through understanding.

Whether it is helping you to hire the right people or developing talent through assessments, our goal is to empower you to get the most from your people and to let them shine.

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