Hogan Feedback - Best Practice

Best practice advice for Hogan users:

Remember to:

  • Create a "non-judgemental" atmosphere - make sure, that the feedback is an equal and balanced dialogue
  • Let the test person do most of the work - get the test person to shed light on his or her own scores with examples, and make sure that the test person talks more than you do
  • Use explanations such as: "Others that score like you typically experience...", "How does this show in your everyday life?" - For inspiration please see the discussion points for all scales in HPI, HDS and MVPI
  • Don't be apologetic for the test person's scores
  • Don't push your interpretation - make room for the person's own understanding of self
  • Don't get startled if a profile looks "challenged" - the test person has probably been rather successful despite
  • The purpose of looking at challenges is not to change personality - but to gain awareness and work with one's development areas
  • Remember that assessment is an intervention - a Hogan interpretation and feedback is comprehensive, thus high ethics are important


If you have any questions regarding interpretation of Hogan profiles our consultants are available for a brief discussion. Please contact at info@adresources.com or +45 45851515 with your questions.

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